Friday 22 April 2011

I'm sharing an old post: MONDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER 2010


I've noticed that there is not a single post about my teaching experiance fi Zayed University.. Perhaps I was too busy or too lazy to do so.. Or may be because i've written some stuff in my journal.. I'll always love my pen/cil & my diary..

Anyway, with the new term starting.. I admit it.. I'm missing something.. Yes, I've devoted this year for my PhD thesis writing.. But that won't change the fact that I'm missing that thing.. It keep on digging my head aaaaaall the time..

There were moments in which I've heard my closest friends saying stuff like: "inti b3dch fi ZU?!" "mal.awaaal!!" "jam3at Zayed uft!"

Well, yea perhaps there r lots of negative stuff.. But it's not ZayedUniversity I'm to serve.. Nor I'm doing it for the experiance I'm claiming to be in need for the PhD.. I'm doin it for one thing.. And I'm missing it in an unbelievable way..

Ana BntNuwa5dha w I'm missing the Whales'Prayers..

و أخرج الترمذي من حديث أبي أمامة رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم أنه قال: " إن الله و ملائكته و أهل السموات و الأرض حتى النملة في جحرها و حتى الحوت في البحر ليصلون على معلمي الناس الخير"

و أخرج الطبراني من حديث جابر عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال: "معلم الناس الخير يستغفر له كل شيء حتى الحيتان في البحار"

و يروى من حديث البراء عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم : " العلماء ورثة الأنبياء يحبهم أهل السماء و الأرض و تستغفر لهم الحيتان في البحر إذا ماتوا إلى يوم القيامة"

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Quotes from "Rango" - loved it!

Felt as if i was in a "Political Philosophy" class full of comedy lol

"Acting is reacting! ... We all have our ways to walk!"

"*So, who are you??* I'm... I'm a lizard I have my name...... & my Avatar you see!"

"I'd like a glass of water... *laughs!!!*
*a stranger, who are you?* Who am i?! I... I could be anyone!"

"Is this the only water remaining in the town? I've seen it.... SOMEONE is splitting out the water in the DESERT!!!!!"

"People need something to believe in & you are that something!" --ignore the subtitle--


"Control the water & you own everything..."

& this was my best part :
promoting long exposure PHOTOGRAPHY! lol!

Never Kill the Child within U!

from time to time.. i believe we need to go back to our childish days.. this is how i refresh my creativity ^.^ Had dinner with MickeyMouse & Co!